Wednesday 19 March 2008

*NEW* Old Ladie's Cat

*NEW* Tooth fairy pays the price of inflation

*NEW* Cyber OG

*NEW* Sweeney Todd


*NEW* Healthy Website

This is a design for a website aimed at school children to show them how to be healthier, giving them food ideas, smoothie recipes, and discussing excercise. Ideas and web pages designed by Faye Morrow, Graphic Designer, Illustrations by my lovely self.

*NEW* Direct that film!!!

*NEW* SmartART

*NEW* How the city consumes business

*NEW* Mexican Love for onions

*NEW* Running purple cacti carrying oranges annoys birds in France

*NEW* Mysterious cats post English flags in pickles

*NEW* Well hidden emerald green jug in paradise

PAST: Curlywhirly

PAST: Dr Who and Snow White in the bath

PAST: Bake Sale

PAST: Play

PAST: Devils

PAST: Marionnettes

PAST: superman

PAST: Go faster snail!!

PAST: In a vat of paint

PAST: Washing line

PAST: Orange rainbow

PAST: new direction

PAST: Water Shortage